Internet User Experience Conference Summary

April 12, 2009

Just a quick summary on the IUE 1009 conference.  First, it is a local conference for Southeast Michigan, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t some quality speakers present.  As Dan Klyn pointed out, Ann Arbor can be seen as the birthplace of modern IA (check out his slides for more info).

I did do some tweeting at the conference; more than I’ve ever done actually. In fact, at one point I think I was the top contributer for #iue09. Compared to my last conference (CHI 08 in Florence), I noticed that Twitter was playing a larger role. At a panel on social networking, all of the panelists had their twitter usernames on their namecard, including Chris Barger, GM’s own Twitter guru.

I would give a summery of the talks I went to, but you can basically check out my Twitter feed for that (#iue09). A few good presentations that I could find on Slideshare: